April 15

Menopause (menopausia) y Chiropractic/Quiropractica



La menopausia es un proceso orgánico y sutil en el cual surgen ciertas molestias que reflejan la madurez del cuerpo femenino. En esta nueva etapa el sistema fisiológico modifica y re-configura la relación entre las hormonas preparando el cuerpo para satisfacer las necesidades de otro ciclo de vida, en el cual el impulso creador y energético establece las nuevas y necesarias pautas según su innata sabiduría.

La Quiropráctica puede mejorar la calidad de vida de la mujer madura y aliviar una variedad de molestias típicas de la menopausia relacionadas con la disminución de estrógeno. La columna vertebral, en estado de estrés, pierde su equilibrio, y la función de los nervios que envían las señales para controlar los niveles de estrógeno y progesterona disminuye. El sistema hormonal es uno de los más delicados del cuerpo y se ve afectado también por las tensiones que a menudo se presentan en un estilo de vida marcado por un ritmo rápido y una cierta presión social y ambiental.

Siendo la menopausia un proceso normal de envejecimiento, esta etapa tendría que ser vivida con una natural aceptación, sin embargo, hay algunos factores a tener en cuenta relacionados con la alimentación que pueden aumentar algunos malestares. Hay varios tipos de comida a las cuales se les añade hormonas artificiales, sobretodo en la comida envasada, la carne, la leche e incluso en pesticidas y herbicidas. A parte de las naturales, el cuerpo viene inundado de una tal cantidad de hormonas que los síntomas típicos de esta época a menudo resultan intensificados y más prolongados.

Los síntomas que pueden surgir durante la menopausia incluyen ansiedad y emociones fluctuantes, cambios de temperatura (sofocos), alteración del hambre, de la sed, del sueño y la pérdida de densidad ósea; entre los síntomas físicos se encuentran frecuentemente el dolor de espalda, dolores de cabeza, migrañas, tensión y estrés.

La buena noticia es que la quiropráctica ha demostrado ser una muy buena aliada para las mujeres en el alivio de todos estos síntomas. Además, un adecuado programa de ajustes resulta beneficioso para el tratamiento de las etapas iniciales de la osteoporosis y es muy eficaz para restaurar la flexibilidad de las articulaciones disminuyendo la tensión muscular y la presión sobre los nervios.
Chiropractic care has an important and unique role in women’s health, including during menopause. Its benefits warrant exploration and consideration by all women.

Chiropractic care serves to promote function and repair communication and coordination of the nerve system through subluxation detection and correction. These factors can influence the success of the complex hormonal system, the stress response system and the immune system, to name a few areas important to women’s health.

How exactly does chiropractic care impact menopause symptoms? Here’s how it works.

Estrogen and progesterone are stimulated by the anterior pituitary gland, which is controlled by the hypothalamus portion of your brain. The hypothalamus is often referred to as the master control of your body, because it regulates and controls so many functions.

The hypothalamus receives its information from the internal organs through the nerve system that is housed within your spine.

The hypothalamus, in addition to regulating estrogen and progesterone, also receives information from other sections of your brain as well, such as your thalamus and limbic system. These systems control critical, delicate functions of your body such as emotions, sexual desire, thirst and hunger, body temperature, and sleep patterns.

Chiropractic specifically deals with your nerve system and spine. The spine, when under stress, irritates and decreases the function of the nerves that send the signals to control the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Simple stresses such as sitting for long periods, preservatives in foods, or a stressful day at work, can easily and often cause the spine to misalign causing subluxation.

Chiropractors reduce or eliminate these misalignments (subluxations) with safe, gentle chiropractic adjustments of the spinal vertebrae.

Since the nervous system controls all the functions of your body, it is imperative that you get your spine checked by a chiropractor regularly.

Simply getting under chiropractic care, exercising regularly, eating as many “hormone free” foods as possible (read the labels) and getting proper rest will help regulate and balance your hormonal system and help manage and diminish the effects of menopause.

Doesn’t that sound like a better idea than taking a drug that causes breast cancer, ovarian cancer, stroke, serious blood clots, dementia, and even brain shrinkage?
Chiropractic: A Safer Alternative to Deadly Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Drugs
HRT drugs cause breast cancer, ovarian cancer, stroke, serious blood clots, dementia, and even brain shrinkage.
MenopauseHormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drugs (a combination of estrogen and progesterone) are still prescribed frequently for relief from sleep-disrupting night sweats, hot flashes and mood swings. Despite clearly documented risks, about 15 percent of postmenopausal women in the United States still take hormone therapy. Others suffer needlessly, when safe, gentle, effective chiropractic care may provide relief.

The risks of taking the combination of estrogen and progesterone—breast cancer, stroke, serious blood clots, dementia, even brain shrinkage—have been well established.

A study published in the February 5, 2009 New England Journal of Medicine, found that taking hormones for a full five years doubles your annual risk of getting breast cancer.

A study based on data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) trial in May, 2009 concluded that use of combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is associated with a higher risk of dying for women diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer.

Now a new study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows an association between hormone use and ovarian cancer—and it kicks in almost immediately after women begin taking hormones.

In the study, which culled the health records of nearly 1 million Danish women, researchers found a 38 percent greater risk of ovarian cancer among women who were currently taking hormone therapy. The risks didn’t appear to be affected by the types of hormones women were taking, the dose, the duration, or whether they were taking estrogen alone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone.

Unfortunately, bioidentical hormones—which have been touted by some as safer than traditional hormone therapy—are associated with the same increased ovarian cancer risk.

Women in the Danish study all took estradiol, a bioidentical hormone that has the same chemical structure as estrogen made by the body. And there was no difference in cancer risk between women who took non-identical synthetic progestin and those who took bioidentical progesterone.


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